
Thursday 20 November 2014



He was a Greek philosopher who can up with the idea that all narrative's may have 
1. A beginning 
2. A middle
3. An end

Vladimir Propp

He concluded after studying fairytales and folk stories that narratives are shaped upon characters and different actions. He proposed that there a 8 characters and 31 situations in all stories ever written.
These characters were hero who seeks something, villain who opposes, the donor who helps, dispatcher who sends, false hero who is mistaken for the hero, helper gives support, princess who is the reward but also needs protecting and the father.


After studying myths and legends he proposed that all stories were based upon opposites and the conflict between these opposites. For example this could be good and evil or old and young or wealthy and poor. 


He concluded that all narratives have five stages.
1. Equilibrium which is a state I normality.
2. Disruption of this equilibrium.
3. Protagonist realises this equilibrium has changed.
4. Restoration where the protagonist restores equilibrium.
5. New equilibrium same as the starts but there are slight differences from the original.

Roland Barthe

His ideas show us that a narrative of a story can be seen in hundreds of different ways and that different people's perspectives would introduce new ways of seeing the story. He said 'it has no beginning; it is reversible; we gain access through several entrances none of which can authoritatively declare to be the main one.'
He suggested that texts may be open or closed which means they have one or many different interpretations. He also had five codes.
Enigma code
Codes of mystery which intrigue the audience and make them want to know more. It leaves the audience annoyed when these questions aren't answered.
Action code
This contains an order of elements of the action within text. It is also used to add effect.
Semantic code
This refers to an additional meaning in the text. It has a connotative meaning along with the literal meaning.
Symbolic code
Symbols within the text which create greater meant or tension, it can also develop a character.
Referential code
Any sort of external knowledge such as scientific or historical knowledge.

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