
Tuesday 4 November 2014

Genre tasks

Guardians of the Galaxy

Describe in detail: the trailer displays 'starlord' being caught stealing a mysterious object. Straight away we get the that the genre is superhero due to the alien creatures and the supernatural background. The trailer gives a brief description of each character stating there name and power. This helps us get and understanding of the hero and the villain due to the language and behaviour of the regular humans.
Settting: As previously mentioned the setting is supernatural with wide pan shots of the galaxy and spaceships. This outerspace setting has connatations of danger and mystery as is perfect for adventure.
Theme: The plot of the film isn't clear from the trailer but we sense that the 'guardians' are the heroes and must achieve some sort of goal. This may be due to revenge in some cases for example Drax the destroyer.
Icon: The icons of the trailer are the guns and the inside of the spaceship. The guns represent aliens and danger whilst the metal gates show how the heores are imprisoned.
Narrative: The trailer doesn't give much away however does highlight how the character described in the trailer are the ones who will feature most in the film.
Characters: The five characters in the film- Drax, Starlord, Gamora, Rocket and Groot. We get the impression that these characters unite to become a great team in the film and destroy the enemy as in most superhero film. This film is a real hybrid of genre as it offers ideas of a superhero genre which includes action and adventure whilst also showing si-fi and comedy.
Textial Analysis: The trailer uses non diegetic dramatic music in the opening shot to convey adventure and action, whilst also using close up ahot and many cuts between cameras. The background lighting used in the next scene is bery clever as it shows how the humans are evil however it shows how the safety is near due to the light. The more comfortable music allows the audience to fell more relaxed. The humour used by the villains also makes the audience more rleaxed with the character and makes them look like the heroes.

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