
Tuesday 4 November 2014

Genre tasks

The Guest

Describe in detail: The guest is an action film that is made around the death of a soldier. The film begins with the soldiers friend visiting the family on dying request of the fallen soldier.
Setting: The setting is in a regualar home however we sense that the the action lies with the visiter. Some of the shots are taken outside and looks like the desert or the deep south of America. The desert is a place of lonliness and panic although could be used for action due to the fact that theres no one there.
Themes: The general theme seams realistic although we get the impression that the action and violence to follow in the film will not actually be real. Friendship is also a theme in this film as the man is comnpleting a favour.
Icon: the film has obvious violence and therefore guns. This has connatations of death and fear although could be seen as safety and protection.
Narrative: The overall plot of the storyline is unclear due to the mixed order of narrative and truncated pace of the trailer. Hoever it looks like Dan stevens and some members of the family are involved in violent situations and action.
Characters: From the trailer the main character looks to be the friend of the soldier Dan Stevens although other character such as the members of the family will have big supporting roles in this film.
Textial Analysis: Constant cutting between shots gives the trailer action and excited and mixed lighting gives signs of danger and protection and different parts of the film. Throughout the trailer a non diegetic bass guitar is playing which and to the genre and craetes anticipation for the violence. There is also a voice over as the conversatiuon that is happening at the start of the trailer runs throughout regardless or the violent scenes being shown. This contrapetal sounds take the audience's mind's away from the action and concentrate on the plot.

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