
Thursday 23 October 2014

Self evaluation of Prelim

Self evaluation of Prelim task
1) Who did you work with and how did you manage the task between you?1) I worked with Steve and Ben and we were given the task of filming a documentary, we decided due to Ben taking drama we realised that he would be good at the main acting role. Then we realised the other roles of filming and directing. We decided that I would direct and Steve would film however both of us did both roles and helped each other.

2) How did you plan your sequence? What processes did you use? What theories did you try to take in to account?
2) When we knew our genre was documentary and we thought of other documentaries that we liked and also research some of the best ones. We brainstomed ideas and thought of documentaries that would sought our location. We thought of a day in the life of a schoolboy and eventually came across a story about the Great War. A key inspiration for this was the series Our World War on BBC three. We organised the shots that were necessary and storyboarded our ideas. We then rearranged the shots in order of location to try and get the filming done as quickly as possible. The other factors we had to consider were costume and therefore we managed o get a war costume from the drama studio.

3) What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it?
3)  We used camera's and tripods to get the shots we needed, this included high, low and tracking shots. We also used shots from the floor to show how the soldiers is being rescued.

4) What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?
4) We had to take the lighting and setting into account as we realised it would change and we therefore needed to film all in one go. We also needed to think about when we could use the costume and therefore we constricted to filmings at certain. Editing was another factor as each individual had a limited time, although thid factor (editing) was the easiest to carry out.

5) How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight, what would you improve/do differently? What did others say about your production?
5) I felt that the sequence went well and that we got what we tried to achieve. However with more time I would have added more shots, including the tracking shots and panning. The feedback identified how there was to 180 degree shot however the did show how the genre was easily identified and the Mise en Scene was good.

6) What have you learnt from completing this task? Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing the rest of your foundation coursework, do you think?
6) When I complete another filming task I would be more organised as then I could get the shots taken quicker and spend more time editing. However for a first task I felt the whole sequence went well and I beleive we worked well as a team and our strengths helped each other. This first will be very important to future task as it gives me and idea of what it is like and how to carry it out properly.

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