
Tuesday 9 September 2014

Genre Photo Tasks

Comedy Genre

The task was to take photos that
 would display a certain genre
that was given to us on the day
and with limited time and resources.
Generally it was difficult to alter light to add effect however the clear, bright light was useful for some genres such as superhero.
The first image is of the comedy genre and displays 3 people supposedly standing on one persons hand. The front person has a blonde wig although obviously being a male. The picture is taken in a school which has connotations of learning and safety however popular shows such as the inbetweeners take place in a school. I think a school is an ideal place for a comedy as it holds many different experiences.
 The theme of the picture is humour as it displays as supposed giant in a school. The icons that stand out in the film are the wigs on the front character as well as the tiny people standing on his/her hand. The photos gives indications of a future entertaining relationship between the small people and the giant and there events at the school.  The front character is a white teenage boy who has a blonde wig on. The audience wouldn't be sure of his sexuality due to the wig and the mans body, although the character looks middle class due to his clothes and cleanliness. The photo has been taken from an upward angle, there is intense light in the photo due to the time of day and the location this has connotations of happiness and safety. The setting of the photo is in a school and looks safe and clean. The confused expression on the face of the character in the front conveys humour as the audience will want to know what he is confused about. With more time I would improve the picture by choosing a location with less shadow and that suits the trick of someone standing on hand better e.g. a longer flatter hill.

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